China Web Delivery
We don’t hop above the Great Firewall.
We’re already in.
![China Web Delivery](
Go Beyond Legacy Solutions
We at GlobalDots hunt for the most cutting edge and relevant technologies out there.
Once tested and found qualified we bring you the most certified innovative products out there for every pressing use case.
![An illustration depicting a diverse team collaborating](
Your Benefits
Our mission is to enable business activity in China. We therefore curated a wide range of web delivery, networking and security solutions to cater to the full arc of your requirements.
Reduce one complex liability off your business expansion plan. Rest assured that your China web delivery activities adhere to governmental regulations.
Provide Chinese users content and services with reliability and speed. Reduce latency through local PoPs and prevent downtimes with the best local Premium DNS providers.
Leverage our favorable position with local vendors and the benefits of bundling to make your China expansion cost-effective, surpassing language and culture boundaries.
Can I serve content to Chinese end-users from outside of mainland China (Hong-Kong)?
Yes, but latency and performance will be negatively impacted which may result in poor user experience, reduced conversions and engagement. Users expect fast response from websites today, and delivering content within mainland China is critical for businesses in China.
How is China CDN different from a generic CDN?
China has strict rules and regulations for internet related companies. They require companies to obtain an ICP (Internet Content Provider) license from the MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Chinese government) in order to deliver content within mainland China.
What is the CDN PoP distribution within mainland China?
Our China CDN partners have dozens of PoPs distributed all over China’s main cities and population centers.