Cloud Block Storage

Significantly lower your block storage expenses while boosting efficiency with one-touch implementation.

Cloud Block Storage
  • No more Overprovisioning No more Overprovisioning

    Pay only for the disk space you need

  • No more Downtime Risk No more Downtime Risk

    Benefit from 99.999% uptime

  • No more Ops for Cloud Storage No more Ops for Cloud Storage

    Optimize your block storage with only 3 clicks & deliver

  • Up to X10
    Performance Improvement
    Performance Improvement
  • Up to 67%
    Savings on storage
    Savings on storage
  • Up to 75%
    Disk Utilization
    Disk Utilization

Trusted by

How does Data Storage Optimization work?

  • Cloud Storage Auto-scaler

    Our curated solution automatically adjust your storage capacity to match real-time application needs, achieving the most optimal utilization possible.

  • Groundbreaking Shrink & Expand Technology

    By transforming large file system volumes into a virtual disk with a series of multiple volumes, the filesystem can be shrunk and extended automatically.

  • Improved IOPS & Throughput Performance

    Get an IOPS and throughput performance boost by leveraging multiple smaller-sized storage volumes that each have their own burst capacity.

  • No Data Exposure & Highly Secure Connectivity

    The product is never exposed to data in storage, only meta-data and usage metrics are collected. When action is taken a command is sent to a dedicated IAM role on the instance.

Case Study: How One AI-Driven Media Platform Cut EBS Costs by 48%

Case Study: How One AI-Driven Media Platform Cut EBS Costs by 48%

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The world of cloud changes quickly.
Stay up-to-date with the latest trends & innovation, extensively explored in our resource library.

  • Cloud Block Storage
    How One AI-Driven Media Platform Cut EBS Costs for AWS ASGs by 48%

    Optimizing cloud costs through the strategic use of a multi-cloud auto-scaler

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    How Optimizing Kafka Can Save Costs of the Whole System

    Kafka is no longer exclusively the domain of high-velocity Big Data use cases. Today, it is utilized on by workloads and companies of all sizes, supporting asynchronous communication between even small groups of microservices.  But this expanded usage has led to problems with cost creep that threaten many companies’ bottom lines. And due to the […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    How E-commerce TrustMeUp Achieved 40% Faster Delivery and 25% Bandwidth Savings with GlobalDots & CloudFront

    A popular e-commerce platform was growing fast, but that growth created challenges. With a poorly optimized cloud setup, the company faced content quality problems, as well as ongoing security issues. The only way to solve the problem was to optimize their CloudFront distribution – leading them to work with GlobalDots’ innovation experts. Using the solution […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    EBS-Optimized Instances: A Guide to Cut Costs and Maintain Performance

    A recent study of over 100 enterprises found more than 15% of AWS cloud bills comes from Elastic Block Store (EBS). But what can you do to cut those costs without impacting performance? The key is to select EBS-optimized instances. With the right combination of EBS-optimized instances and EBS volumes, companies consistently maintain at least […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Cut Big Data Costs by 23%: 7 Key Practices

    In this webinar, we reveal a solution that cuts big data costs by 23% and enhances system efficiency – without changing a single line of code. We’ll also explore 7 key practices that will free your engineers to process and analyze data at the pace and scale they need – and ensure they never lose control of the process.

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Cloud Cost Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Reduce Cloud Spend

    The move to the cloud has enabled tech leaders to modernize their infrastructure and improve application availability, scalability, and performance.

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Project FOCUS: A New Age of FinOps Visibility

    It’s easy for managers and team leaders to get caught up in the cultural scrum of FinOps. Hobbling many FinOps projects, however, is a lack of on-the-ground support for the DevOps teams that are having to drive this widespread change – this is how all too many FinOps projects become abandoned on the meeting room […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Optimize Your Cloud Spend with a FinOps Maturity Assessment

    Achieving FinOps is a tall order: it demands a degree of organizational self-awareness that some companies are constantly battling for. Consider the predicament that many teams find themselves in: while their cloud environments may contain a number of small things that could be optimized, there are no single glaring mistakes that are consuming massive quantities […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Efficient Cluster Management

    Developers and DevOps teams, it’s time to make Kubernetes simple, efficient, and easy to manage. Download our comprehensive guide to efficient cluster management to learn how to turn Kubernetes into a well-oiled machine. This guide offers: Save DevOps time, optimize costs, and finally unlock Kubernetes agility and efficiency. Download your free copy now and immediately upgrade […]

  • Automated Kubernetes Optimization
    How IronScales Reduced K8s Costs by 21% With Automatic Pod Rightsizing

    IronScales and GlobalDots collaboration cut K8s costs by 21% and minimized SLA breaches with automated optimization

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    3 IT Infrastructure Costs Increasing in 2024:

    As we navigate through the evolving landscape of IT infrastructure, a closer look at the cost trends for 2024 reveals significant shifts. From cloud expenses feeling the pressure of economic changes. With global cloud spending expected to hit over $1 trillion and various sectors facing unique challenges, staying informed is more crucial than ever.  Dive […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    8 FinOps Best Practices for Cutting Cloud Costs

    The cloud used to be viewed as a place of significant cost savings: rather than purchasing and maintaining dozens of server stacks, organizations could outsource this and purchase compute power on an as-needed basis. In the ensuing rush to cloud architecture, however, many companies simply lifted-and-shifted their old financial bad habits. The sheer speed of […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    How FinOps Capabilities Can Unlock Your Cloud Cost Goals

    Cloud computing has transformed more than individual app architectures: it’s granted both start-ups and market leaders an equal platform for innovation. New products are no longer dependent upon complex revenue-draining in-house server stacks. Instead, cloud-native disruptors such as Uber and Airbnb have been able to harness the once-unthinkable degrees of agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency that […]

Maximizing Efficiency with Innovative Solutions

At GlobalDots, our drive is fueled by hunting for groundbreaking solutions. We introduce them to our lineup only after they’ve proven to offer a positive ROI through our curation process. This approach empowers our clients to manage their spending effectively.

Our Block Storage Optimization solution empowers you to maximize your resources—both human and capital—by enabling your block storage volumes to automatically adjust capacity in sync with the real-time demands of your applications.


  • What is block cloud storage?

    Block cloud storage is a type of cloud storage service where data is stored in fixed-size blocks with unique identifiers. It offers scalability, efficiency, and high availability by storing data across multiple availability zones. Users can easily allocate storage space and scale their storage needs as required. Popular examples include Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Google Cloud Block Storage, and Microsoft Azure Block Storage.

  • What is block storage in cloud computing?

    Block storage is commonly used for applications requiring high-performance, such as databases and virtual machines, due to its ability to provide fast and reliable access to data.

    Block storage in cloud computing refers to a method of storing data in discrete blocks rather than as files.

  • What is block level storage?

    Block-level storage is a method of storing data where information is divided into fixed-sized blocks and stored on a storage device, typically without any file system structure. Each block is individually addressable, allowing for efficient data retrieval and management. This approach is commonly used in storage area networks (SANs) and cloud storage systems, offering high performance and flexibility for various applications such as databases and virtual machines.

  • What is an example of block level storage?

    An example of block-level storage is Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) in Amazon Web Services (AWS). EBS allows users to create storage volumes that can be attached to EC2 instances as block devices, providing persistent block-level storage for databases, file systems, and other applications requiring low-latency access to data.

  • What is block vs object storage in the cloud?

    Block storage in the cloud similar to traditional hard drives. It is ideal for applications requiring low-latency access to data, such as databases and virtual machines. Object storage, on the other hand, stores data as objects with associated metadata, providing scalability and durability for large-scale applications like content delivery networks and big data analytics.