Web Security

Covered doesn’t mean protected.
Businesses and hackers are in a constant, ruthless arms race. To protect customer data, site availability, and your brand reputation, you must always be one step ahead of attackers with the most up-to-date solutions for each critical endpoint.

Web Security

Go Beyond Legacy Solutions

We at GlobalDots hunt for the most cutting edge and relevant technologies out there.

Once tested and found qualified we bring you the most certified innovative products out there for every pressing use case.

Our Web Security Partners

Effective Web Security Principles

Automated Detection & Response (ADR)

Big Data capabilities are crucial for timely attack detection in traffic-heavy assets. To minimize an attack’s potential damage, detection must be accompanied by automated response.

Automated Detection & Response (ADR)
Reporting & Mitigation Convergence

While reporting and threat mitigation might each take place in a different product, they should integrate in a manner that increases visibility and the ease of acting upon insights & alerts.

Reporting & Mitigation Convergence
All Critical Endpoints Covered

Web security solutions are threat-specific. To reduce excessive spend and noise, Your stack should include all (and only) those relevant to your vulnerability map.

All Critical Endpoints Covered
Enhancing Business Continuity

Your solutions should effectively isolate malicious traffic while minimizing downtime & friction in user journey or in critical workflows, such as feature rollouts.

Enhancing Business Continuity

Stay Cloud-to-Date

The world of cloud changes quickly. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends & innovation, extensively explored in our resource library.

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    How Optimizing Kafka Can Save Costs of the Whole System

    Kafka is no longer exclusively the domain of high-velocity Big Data use cases. Today, it is utilized on by workloads and companies of all sizes, supporting asynchronous communication between even small groups of microservices.  But this expanded usage has led to problems with cost creep that threaten many companies’ bottom lines. And due to the […]

  • Cloud Migration Service
    Migrating Volumez RedHat VMs into Amazon Linux 2 for higher effective discounts rate of Saving Plan

    A cloud data infrastructure company relied on extensive use of multiple instance types to test its products. But this made it difficult to optimize costs – a fact which had begun to impact their ability to scale the business.   The GlobalDots team helped the company identify and implement a new infrastructure configuration that both saved […]

  • Compliance Automation
    How Yuki Achieved SOC 2 Compliance 6x Faster

    Overview A fast-growing Snowflake optimization platform was missing out on customers because they didn’t have the right data security compliance. Through multiple consultations and extensive vendor-testing, the GlobalDots team selected a solution to provide both tech and human support, helping the company achieve SOC 2 compliance within just 3 months – and win new customers […]

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    Agile Content partners with GlobalDots to revolutionize CDN management ahead of IBC 2024

    New partnership between Agile Content and GlobalDots promises to introduce automated multi-CDN solutions, optimizing content delivery and easing provider management for broadcasters worldwide. Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 9th, 2024 – Agile Content, a leading provider of digital TV and video distribution solutions, proudly announces its strategic partnership with GlobalDots, a global leader in cloud performance optimization and […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    How E-commerce TrustMeUp Achieved 40% Faster Delivery and 25% Bandwidth Savings with GlobalDots & CloudFront

    A popular e-commerce platform was growing fast, but that growth created challenges. With a poorly optimized cloud setup, the company faced content quality problems, as well as ongoing security issues. The only way to solve the problem was to optimize their CloudFront distribution – leading them to work with GlobalDots’ innovation experts. Using the solution […]

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    How to Defeat Bad Bots in 2024 (and Why It’s Still So Hard)

    Introduction  Bots today outnumber human users in eCommerce sites: From 15% in 2017, to 30% in 2019, to 64% in 2021. Some extreme cases we’ve witnessed peaked in 90-99.8% bot traffic. But perhaps the more concerning bit is the traffic share of bad bots: an approximate 39% of all internet traffic in 2021.   Hackers are […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    EBS-Optimized Instances: A Guide to Cut Costs and Maintain Performance

    A recent study of over 100 enterprises found more than 15% of AWS cloud bills comes from Elastic Block Store (EBS). But what can you do to cut those costs without impacting performance? The key is to select EBS-optimized instances. With the right combination of EBS-optimized instances and EBS volumes, companies consistently maintain at least […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Cut Big Data Costs by 23%: 7 Key Practices

    In this webinar, we reveal a solution that cuts big data costs by 23% and enhances system efficiency – without changing a single line of code. We’ll also explore 7 key practices that will free your engineers to process and analyze data at the pace and scale they need – and ensure they never lose control of the process.

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Cloud Cost Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Reduce Cloud Spend

    The move to the cloud has enabled tech leaders to modernize their infrastructure and improve application availability, scalability, and performance.

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Project FOCUS: A New Age of FinOps Visibility

    It’s easy for managers and team leaders to get caught up in the cultural scrum of FinOps. Hobbling many FinOps projects, however, is a lack of on-the-ground support for the DevOps teams that are having to drive this widespread change – this is how all too many FinOps projects become abandoned on the meeting room […]

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Optimize Your Cloud Spend with a FinOps Maturity Assessment

    Achieving FinOps is a tall order: it demands a degree of organizational self-awareness that some companies are constantly battling for. Consider the predicament that many teams find themselves in: while their cloud environments may contain a number of small things that could be optimized, there are no single glaring mistakes that are consuming massive quantities […]

  • DevOps & Cloud Management
    Terraform Best Practices Checklist

    Enhance your Terraform skills with 13 proven techniques curated by our DevOps experts. Gain insights on module optimization, state file management, advanced version control, and many more key topics.   Download your free copy today!

  • Cloud Cost Optimization
    Efficient Cluster Management

    Developers and DevOps teams, it’s time to make Kubernetes simple, efficient, and easy to manage. Download our comprehensive guide to efficient cluster management to learn how to turn Kubernetes into a well-oiled machine. This guide offers: Save DevOps time, optimize costs, and finally unlock Kubernetes agility and efficiency. Download your free copy now and immediately upgrade […]


  • What is meant by web security?

    By “Web security” we refer to the strategies, technologies, and practices designed to protect web applications and websites from various threats and attacks that could exploit vulnerabilities. The main attention is focused on:

    • Application Level protection: following OWASP 2021 recommendations, it’s necessary to protect the modern web apps from various vulnerabilities like SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is commonly deployed to inspect HTTP traffic and block malicious payloads targeting these vulnerabilities.
    • Bot Management: While search engine crawlers are harmless, many bots are designed for scraping content, launching brute-force attacks, or executing distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Bot management solutions analyze behavioral patterns, IP reputation, and client-side signals to distinguish between legitimate traffic and malicious bots.
    • DDos protection: DDoS protection platforms absorb and deflect malicious traffic by leveraging a distributed network of servers. They distinguish malicious traffic from legitimate user traffic using sophisticated rate-limiting, challenge-response methods, and anomaly detection.
    • Authentication and Access Control: Robust authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), ensure that only authorized users can access web services. Furthermore, proper session management is vital to prevent session hijacking attacks, where an attacker impersonates a legitimate user by stealing their session cookies or tokens.
    • Encryption: HTTPS, secured by TLS encryption, prevents man-in-the-middle attacks, where attackers could intercept and modify the communication. This ensures users are communicating with the intended website and their data (for example, passwords, credit card numbers) remains secure
  • What technologies are used for Web security?

    We can leverage a wide range of technologies to safeguard and protect websites and web apps. These technologies could operate at different layers—network, application, and transport—to create a layered/defense-in-depth security strategy.

    • CDN – Content Delivery Networks: A CDN distributes web content to users from geographically closer servers to improve load times and availability while also providing security benefits. In fact, CDN offers security features like traffic encryption, DDoS mitigation, Bot Management, and WAF integration.
    • TLS Encryption: Transport Layer Security establishes trust between the user and the website, ensuring confidentiality and data integrity, essential for e-commerce, banking, and sensitive data transmissions.
    • WAF – Web Application Firewall: WAFs provide application-layer security by blocking attacks targeting application vulnerabilities, a key defense against the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. It inspects incoming and outgoing traffic for malicious content such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.
    • Bot Management: Bots account for a significant portion of web traffic, and malicious bots can perform tasks like brute-force attacks, DDoS, and scraping of sensitive content. A Bot management solution analyzes behavioral patterns, client-side signals (e.g., JavaScript execution), and reputation databases to differentiate between malicious bots (e.g., account takeover, credential stuffing) and legitimate traffic.
    • DDOs protection: Uses traffic analysis, rate limiting, and geo-blocking to identify and block malicious traffic at scale. These solutions often use globally distributed edge networks to absorb large attacks.
    • Secure APIs: These solutions protect web APIs from unauthorized access and ensure secure communication between microservices or web components. Technologies like OAuth 2.0 or JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) secure API endpoints by ensuring that only authorized clients can access them. API gateways can also enforce rate limiting and access control policies.
  • What are the major security issues faced by web services?

    The security issues faced by web services are numerous and multifaceted, ranging from application-layer vulnerabilities to underlying infrastructure weaknesses. A robust defense-in-depth approach that incorporates secure coding practices, regular vulnerability scanning, patching, and real-time monitoring is essential to mitigating these risks. Web services should be continuously audited, tested, and monitored to adapt to the evolving threat landscape. According to OWASP, the Top 10 well-known critically are:

    • Injection Attacks: Attackers manipulate input to execute unintended commands, leading to data breaches or system compromise. Mitigate with input validation and parameterized queries.
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Malicious scripts injected into web pages affect users. Prevent proper input sanitization and Content Security Policies (CSP).
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Forces users to execute unwanted actions. Mitigate using anti-CSRF tokens and SameSite cookies.
    • Broken Authentication: Weak authentication and session management lead to unauthorized access. Use MFA, strong session handling, and secure cookies.
    • Insecure API Endpoints: APIs lacking proper security controls can lead to data leaks or unauthorized access. Protect with OAuth, rate limiting, and input validation.
    • Sensitive Data Exposure: Improper handling of sensitive data (e.g., unencrypted transmission) leads to data theft. Ensure encryption in transit and at rest.
    • Misconfiguration: Leaving default settings or unpatched systems exposes web services to attacks. Regular audits and patch management are key.
    • Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS): Overwhelms services with traffic, making them unavailable. Use DDoS protection, rate limiting, and CDNs.
    • Insufficient Logging and Monitoring: Failure to detect breaches in time. Ensure comprehensive logging and real-time monitoring.
    • Third-Party Dependencies: Vulnerabilities in libraries or frameworks can be exploited. Regularly update and scan dependencies.
  • Why do I need a secure web gateway?

    A Secure Web Gateway ensures comprehensive web traffic control, providing security, visibility, and compliance across the organization’s internet activity. It’s a critical defense tool in today’s threat landscape, where web-based attacks and data breaches are on the rise. It keeps users safe, enforces policies, and minimizes risk across the organization. It is essential for providing a robust layer of protection for your organization’s internet access and web-based activities and helps on: dd

    • Protecting from web-based attacks: SWGs act as a filter between users and the internet, inspecting and controlling web traffic to prevent malicious content from reaching endpoints. This includes blocking access to phishing sites, malware, ransomware, and other web-based threats that can compromise your network. It can also prevent downloads of infected files or harmful scripts from malicious websites.
    • Enforcing Security Policies: An SWG allows administrators to enforce company policies on internet usage. You can control which websites users can access, block harmful or inappropriate content, and apply policies based on roles, user groups, or locations.For example, you might block access to gambling or adult websites in a corporate environment or prevent access to high-risk categories.
    • Preventing Data Loss (DLP Integration): Many SWGs integrate Data Loss Prevention (DLP) features to protect sensitive data from being accidentally or maliciously sent outside the organization through web channels, such as email, file uploads, or cloud applications.
    • Shadow IT Monitoring: SWGs help monitor and control access to unsanctioned cloud applications which may not meet your security standards. This ensures that users only use approved cloud services, reducing the risk of data leaks or security breaches
    • Blocking Malicious URLs and Phishing Attempts: SWGs provide URL filtering capabilities, allowing you to block access to known malicious websites, domains, or IP addresses that could be part of phishing or fraud attempts.

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