Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud

Outsmart Attackers, Increase Conversions.

Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud

Good Bots vs. Bad Bots

The challenge of distinguishing the good bots from the bad ones has escalated, making bot mitigation crucial. GlobalDots has meticulously curated real-time solutions that not only differentiate between these bots but also manage them adeptly to mitigate bot attacks.

  • Behavioral Analysis & Machine Learning

    Leverage behavioral real-time analysis and machine learning to manage good and bad bots alike, a prime way to mitigate bot attacks. This is especially vital in fields like trading and banking, where API data is more than info; it’s an asset at risk.

  • Advanced Fingerprinting

    This precision lets you set targeted rules, taking a weight off your IT resources, streamlining management, and supporting you in allocating resources effectively with enhanced bot mitigation.

  • CAPTCHA-Free Future

    Minimize friction and avoid damaging the user experience, by transitioning from friction-inducing interactive CAPTCHAs to script-based ones that are invisible to the user, a move towards a smarter fraud protection strategy.

  • Multilayered Verification

    Eliminate the risk of wrongly flagging real users as bots. Our multi-layered approach combines behavioral analysis and machine learning to protect both your revenue and customer trust, encapsulating a comprehensive fraud protection framework.

Your Benefits

Easy Setup Easy Setup

No need for complex configurations. Our curated solution offers out-of-the-box bot management ruling, simplifying the process of bot mitigation.

Easy Setup
Unbeatable Speed Unbeatable Speed

With ultra-low latency—less than 0.3 milliseconds—your applications remain agile and responsive, even while engaging in real-time bot mitigation.

Unbeatable Speed
Rich, Strategic Analytics Rich, Strategic Analytics

Custom dashboards offer a deep dive into the bot threats that could impact your bottom line, providing insightful analytics for better fraud protection and to mitigate bot attacks effectively.

Rich, Strategic Analytics
Walk with Experts Walk with Experts

Never worry about running out-of-date. Enjoy a fully managed service, acting as an extension of your security and fraud teams, with minimal integration or upgrading effort on your side.

Walk with Experts

How to Evaluate a Solution for Bot Management & Mitigation

An approach with improved bot detection and advanced bot responses at the core is the new recommended best practice for an anti-fraud strategy of any web-based businesses. This eBook will help you choose the best bot management solution for your business, facing today’s overflow of possibilities.

How to Evaluate a Solution for Bot Management & Mitigation

Stay Cloud-to-Date

The world of cloud changes quickly. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends & innovation, extensively explored in our resource library.

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    How to Defeat Bad Bots in 2024 (and Why It’s Still So Hard)

    Introduction  Bots today outnumber human users in eCommerce sites: From 15% in 2017, to 30% in 2019, to 64% in 2021. Some extreme cases we’ve witnessed peaked in 90-99.8% bot traffic. But perhaps the more concerning bit is the traffic share of bad bots: an approximate 39% of all internet traffic in 2021.   Hackers are […]

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    Announcing New Anti-Fraud Tool to Detect, Categorize and Bust Fraudulent Activity

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    The New Ways Cyber Criminals are Attacking Travel Companies

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    The Horrendous Impact of DDoS Attacks on Enterprise Organizations

    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is usually performed by bombarding the targeted computer or resource with unnecessary requests to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being completed. However, there is some good news: you can definitely mitigate the risk. Learn more here: Discover how a security innovation increased retailers’ sales by […]

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    Bye Bots, Hi Growth: How Up-To-Date Anti-Fraud Can Grow Your eCommerce by +26%

    Bad bots are a tough issue for online merchants: They overload your backend servers with API requests which will never generate revenue; They scalp your most wanted items, leaving your real shoppers with nothing but disappointment; and worst of all – as they retool and grow smarter, they make you constantly chase them. You, as […]

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    Case Study: Security Innovation Increases Retailer’s Sales by 25%

    Every online merchant knows that unique offerings and offers attract not only customers – but cybercriminals too. For UK fashion retailer End Clothing (“END.”), this became a matter of make-or-break as their global eCommerce operations grew. GlobalDots, a world leader in Web Security innovation, geared END. with the latest word in managed bot mitigation. Greatly […]

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    Case Study: Retailer Saves $500K/mo with Anti-Bot Innovation

    Today’s bots are too clever for CAPTCHAs. Yet, their financial and reputational damage potential is sometimes immeasurable. eCommerce retailers are left helpless, with overwhelming compute overspend and fraud costs: This is the story of one retailer who beat the statistics, with today’s smartest eCommerce Security solution in hand. Fill out the form to get your […]

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    Webinar: Privacy by Design – Why Data Privacy & Security Officers Must Collaborate

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    Webinar: Crush Formjacking – Ensuring Website Protection and PCI Compliance

    Abstract Magecart is an umbrella term for dozens of criminal groups that place skimming code in the Javascript of websites to intercept data typed into forms. This practice, known as Formjacking, is one of the leading threats facing e-commerce today. However, experts predict we haven’t seen the worst of it yet. Organizations shouldn’t only expect […]

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    Defending eCommerce from Bots… Without Dissing Your Customers

    The real big winners of eCommerce surge 2020 saw the largest year-over-year growth in eCommerce sales. Throughout this growth, fraudsters continued to develop sophisticated attacks to fill their pockets. One of the most devastating attack types is automated fraud: bots that mimic the actions of a real customer so they can bypass fraud prevention tools. […]

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    Webinar: Defending eCommerce from Next-Gen Identity Fraud

    Fill out the form to watch now. Following the 2020 uptick in eCommerce traffic and offers, automated fraud has become overwhelmingly sophisticated. As they manage to impersonate human behavior while stealing and abusing user credentials, “bad bots” become harder to differentiate from real users. Hence the pressing need of retailers to augment their security postures, […]

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    Ebook: How to Evaluate a Solution for Bot Management and Mitigation

    In this e-book, you’ll learn that as bots become more sophisticated, a single method of managing bots – namely, blocking – simply cannot cover all of the different types of bots that are interacting with your web applications. What’s more, botnets can evolve their bots over time, so while their first attempt may be successfully […]

  • Bot Mitigation & Anti-Fraud
    How to Stay Protected From Credential Stuffing

    For any organization at risk for credential stuffing attacks, its ability to effectively mitigate these attacks will depend on more than the bot management vendor or solution selected. How your website is architected will play a critical role in the effectiveness of any security solution. To understand why, consider how these attacks work, and how […]

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