Results for: Laptop

13 Key Cloud Computing Benefits for Your Business
Cloud Computing
GlobalDots 05.07.23

Cloud-based enterprise solutions offer world-class technology for affordable price. Cloud can reduce your costs, ensure security of your data, increase productivity and much more. Read more to find ou

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5+4 = The New Cloud Security Stack
Your Innovation Feed
Eli Arkush 09.06.21

Infrastructures, threat, and security are all under a quick, constant evolution. Once every few year there comes a tipping point which forces us to rethink our technology posture. 2020 was that tipping point. The cloud surge has peaked during the Pandemic, as remote work became the new normal for most office-based businesses. This has introduced […]

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Adapting Security to Work Anywhere
Zero Trust Access Management
GlobalDots 31.05.21

“Working from home 2021″ marks a massive shift away from common workspaces in response to the global pandemic. There is no more working remotely or working from home, there is just working. The axiom, “work is what you do, not where you go” has never before been so true. The possibility for the workforce to be location independent […]

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Why Phishing Attacks Increase on Holiday Seasons
Zero Trust Access Management
GlobalDots 31.05.21

Overview Phishing continues to be a major attack vector, and it’s surprising just how many security incidents and breaches start with an employee clicking on a link in a carefully crafted phishing email (and sometimes doing the same with a not-so-well crafted phishing email — see this example).  There’s still a general perception that phishing attacks […]

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Automated Workflows – IT & HR Dreams Come True
Identity & Access Management (IAM)
Eli Arkush 25.05.21

At times when interest rates are close to zero and VC money flows into startups and tech companies, we see a spike in the recruitment pace of talented knowledge workers. The competition for software engineers, developers, DevOps, SREs, and security engineers is fierce. Therefore, companies put lots of effort into optimizing their employee experience, also […]

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Kubeflow: Concepts, Use Cases and Starter’s Guide
Kubernetes Cluster Management
GlobalDots 17.03.21

In this blog, I am going to cover the basics of Kuberflow, its use cases, and installation procedure.

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