Introducing The New Wowza Player, World’s First Fully Featured IPv6 CDN And More in This Weeks News

Wowza Player

Wowza Media Systems just unveiled the new Wowza Player at IBC 2016. Wowza player is an embeddable HTML5 player with a basic user interface that supports dimension resizing, play, pause, seek, variable bitrate playback, DVR capabilities and easy-to-use JavaScript API. The new embeddable media player is designed to complement existing Wowza workflows for adaptive bitrate streaming and HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Additionally, the player will include new Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that optimizes streaming bitrates based upon changing network conditions.

How One AI-Driven Media Platform Cut EBS Costs for AWS ASGs by 48%

How One AI-Driven Media Platform Cut EBS Costs for AWS ASGs by 48%

Wowza Player

Read more: Business Wire
Official website: Wowza Player

BelugaCDN, the world’s first fully featured IPv6 Content Delivery Network

Beluga CDN is a new player in the field of content delivery network. The CDN service features a dual stack IPv4 + IPv6 network for both small and large businesses, allowing customers to reach more users.

IPv6 currently accounts for nearly 14% of total Internet traffic, and that number is expected to grow to over 34% by 2020. Furthermore, 90 percent of smartphones and tablets will be IPv6-capable by 2020, up from 60 percent in 2015.

Customers using BelugaCDN’s service will be one step ahead of those using CDN providers who only support the IPv4 protocol by improving their website or application’s performance for IPv6-capable desktop and mobile devices, and becoming early adopters of technology that is driving the future of the Internet.


Read more: BelugaCDN Blog

A “performance matters” story from Akamai

Web performance is one of the crucial parts of an every successful user experience story. To back this up, Rich from Akamai shared a story on the Akamai blog that clearly illustrates the problem that may arrise if the interface simply takes too long to load.

“Years ago when I was the executive in charge of our cash management system at [a top 10 US Bank], I would sometimes listen to customer support calls to hear first-hand the problems they were having. On one call, the woman on the other end of the line was in tears. She was not going to be able to pick up her kids in time at daycare. She was nearly hysterical. 

‘Your system is so slow that it’s taking me forever to process these items. Each screen is taking a long time, and I have 50 of these items to do before I can leave the office. I have no one else that can pick up my kids and I am going to be late. I don’t know what to do.’

“We did what we could to help her at the time, and did the right thing in following up with a nice gift basket. But from that point on, I told our developers that all of our screens had to be under 3 seconds.

‘When we turned on Akamai, we saw an immediate impact on our performance. It was amazing. I spoke with customers afterward, and they asked what we did to our system to speed it up. They noticed!”

“Out of all the things we ever did, and out of all the investments we ever made to improve our user experience, Akamai was by far the easiest thing we did to dramatically improve the user experience.”

Read more: Akamai Blog

Level 3 now provides a more enhanced DDoS mitigation solution

Level 3 deployed BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) Flowspec on its global backbone. This allows for rapid threat mitigation shutting down volumetric DDoS attacks and providing a more secure network for its customers. BGP is the protocol all internet routers use to talk to each other, and BGP Flowspec uses this protocol to distribute flow specification filters to network routers. If a threat is identified Level 3 inputs a rule to block or deny traffic related to the threat by its source, destination etc.

Read more: Level3 News

Anodot just got a bit better

Anodot, a tool for real-time business anomalies detection & analytics just got updated with a number of new features. They’ve introduced events, simplified metric search, and a bunch of improvements on the dashboards, analytic functions, API and UX. This tool enables businesses that deal with a lot of data to spot anything out-of-the-ordinary in real-time and deploy a solution to the problem quickly.


Read more: Anodot

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