Cloud Cost Optimization

Gain control of cloud costs & stay ahead in FinOps. Unlock cost insights, cut bills by 45%-90% & create quick wins.

  • FinOps Tools: Key Factors to Consider

    For organizations already well-established in the cloud, vendors such as AWS and Azure often bite large chunks out of annual revenue. Monthly cloud bills accumulate quickly  – the 5 biggest cloud vendors rake in a combined total revenue of over $80 billion a year, with Microsoft and Amazon claiming the lion’s share of over $20 billion […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    22nd November, 2023
  • Azure FinOps: Optimizing Costs and Best Practices

    In 2023, Microsoft’s total annual revenue exceeded $211 billion for the first time ever. A key driving force was its intelligent cloud segment, which has retained its position as Microsoft’s powertrain since 2020. There’s no disputing that Azure has emerged as one of the most sought-after cloud offerings on the market. However, while Azure bolsters […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    12th October, 2023
  • How to Optimize AWS Costs with FinOps

    Amazon is locked in the race against rising energy and infrastructure costs. Their per-instance pricing has halted its freefall after years of relentless reductions; at the same time, external pressures are threatening a big squeeze on organizations’ budgets. Identifying and understanding AWS spend is quasi-analytical – controlling it is wholly cultural. Unifying these requires fluency […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    2nd October, 2023
  • Navigating The Stormy Seas of Cloud Storage: Slash Cloud Storage Costs by 70% with GlobalDots’ Curated Autoscaler

    Imagine navigating your digital ship through the turbulent seas of cloud storage management. One wrong calculation, and you’re either sinking under the weight of overprovisioning or losing speed due to performance hiccups. But what if there was a compass that could make this voyage smooth sailing? GlobalDots presents you with an Autoscaler that’s revolutionizing the […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    28th September, 2023
  • Clarity in the Clouds: Innovative Solutions for Aviation

    In the competitive world of aviation, where alliances are often forged with rivals, and competitors share skies as partners – GlobalDots is your co-pilot in navigating clouds of looming threats. Now, we are introducing our new e-book, which explores our curated innovative solutions for Aviation, including: Nowadays, where buying a ticket is just the beginning […]

    Eduardo Rocha, Senior Sales Engineer and Security Analyst
    21st September, 2023
  • FinOps vs DevOps: Key Differences and What Each Role Requires

    Before widespread cloud adoption, the cloud’s major selling point was a reduction in computing costs. Today, however, many organizations find themselves mired in increasingly costly and complex cloud environments, even forcing industry leaders such as Nvidia back toward on-prem setups. The priorities upheld by DevOps throughout the last decade have played a major role in […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    19th September, 2023
  • FinOps for Kubernetes: How to Reduce Costs in K8s Environments

    Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is a container orchestration platform built on open-source principles. Offering a hard-hitting combination of container management and load balancing across multiple hosts, software developers are provided a major boon. Intricate deployment tasks can now be automated, accelerating development and release cycles.  As a result, Kubernetes is one of the fastest […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    1st August, 2023
  • Understanding Google’s BigQuery Pricing Changes: Essential Cost Optimization Tips

    Recently, Google announced substantial changes to its BigQuery service, which came into effect on July 5, 2023. This blog post is dedicated to helping you understand these modifications and the potential impact they could have on your GCP’s costs, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions during your FinOps journey.  Google BigQuery is an enterprise-level, […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    4th July, 2023
  • The Cost of Cloud Complexity: What is Cloud Spend Management?

    Cloud infrastructure comprises vast swathes of interconnected components. Offering unparalleled scalability and resources, businesses have spent the last decade exploring the cloud’s hyper-agile tools – to great innovation. Between 2010 and 2023, the global cloud computing market grew from $24.63 billion to $600 billion; cloud migration has upended industries and, on the surface, shows no […]

    Francesco Altomare, Technical Sales Lead for Southern Europe, GlobalDots
    22nd June, 2023
  • Taming the IT Budget Beast: Latest Innovations in FinOps

    Are you on a mission to tame your IT budget? With tools for automatic RI & SP purchases, real-time K8s pod auto-scaling, and advanced storage compression techniques at their disposal, our Cloud Innovation Hunters are in the wild – relentlessly seeking out the best FinOps solutions.  Plus, we’re tackling egress costs in ways you wouldn’t […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    19th June, 2023
  • What is FinOps? The Complete Guide

    Cloud spend’s drastic growth has reached a tipping point. Today, an unsettled economy and maturing approach to cloud resources have poured fuel on the fire of cloud FinOps interest.  The 2023 State of FinOps report shows how this interest has translated into increasingly rapid cost forecasting, as organizations scramble to define and refocus their monthly cloud […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    31st May, 2023
  • FinOps Reinvented: A Glimpse into the 2023 Innovations Reshaping the Industry

    2023’s economic situation is looking dire – projections of stagnation and recession flourish, with customer spending all but guaranteed to tighten. Following years of relentless spending increases, cloud infrastructure reigns as one of the single highest enterprise expenses. FinOps is a practice that’s always evolving: this year, it promises to take center-stage. Faced with a […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    28th May, 2023

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