
  • Latency is Having a Huge Negative Impact on eCommerce Companies

    Latency is an eCommerce killer. Studies throughout the last decade have proven that the longer your site visitor waits, the less likely they’ll convert, and the less they’ll appreciate your brand. Rapid site delivery — especially when it comes to dynamic content — is now a necessity for global-minded eCommerce companies. Speed is Key The […]

    Miguel Fersen, Director for Iberia and LATAM, GlobalDots
    25th July, 2022
  • Ensuring Business Continuity in the Face of CDN Failures

    In the rush towards ever-faster content delivery, mature organizations have prioritized ultra-low latency over basic brand reliability. CDN providers are perfectly placed to funnel the fastest traffic to the closest user, but it is becoming increasingly clear that eCommerce companies have placed them at the pinnacle of customer experience — without adequate structural support. Revenue […]

    Miguel Fersen, Director for Iberia and LATAM, GlobalDots
    13th July, 2022
  • The Costly Toll a CDN Outage Crisis Has on eCommerce Companies

    Cloud revolutionized eCommerce. Ditching costly hardware maintenance and sweaty server rooms is a blessing, but it came with its own curse: unavoidable, uncontrollable downtime. Content Delivery Network (CDN) outages hit global corporations the hardest, costing millions per minute and wreaking havoc on loyal clients. One Bug, Thousands of Outages June 8th, 2021 – the date […]

    Miguel Fersen, Director for Iberia and LATAM, GlobalDots
    13th July, 2022
  • The Horrendous Impact of DDoS Attacks on Enterprise Organizations

    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is usually performed by bombarding the targeted computer or resource with unnecessary requests to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being completed. However, there is some good news: you can definitely mitigate the risk. Learn more here: Discover how a security innovation increased retailers’ sales by […]

    Eduardo Rocha, Senior Sales Engineer and Security Analyst
    14th June, 2022
  • How Separating Data & Network Security Protects Your Supply Chain

    Software supply chain security is an enormous concern for businesses today. According to a 2021 Argon cybersecurity report, software supply chain attacks increased threefold in 2021 compared to the previous year.  The constant race of companies to do things faster while delivering a better, richer user experience adds a multitude of vulnerabilities to the supply […]

    Eduardo Rocha, Senior Sales Engineer and Security Analyst
    9th May, 2022
  • DevOps, DevSecOps, and SRE: What’s (Really) the Difference?

    DevOps is an enterprise software development phrase used to describe an agile relationship between development and IT management. Changing and improving the relationship between these two business units is the goal of DevOps, which advocates better communication and collaboration. It is estimated that the DevOps (Development to Operations) market will grow at a CAGR during […]

    Ganesh The Awesome, Senior Pre & Post-Sales Engineer at GlobalDots
    9th May, 2022
  • SASE vs. SD-WAN: A Quick Guide

    New technologies have a wicked tendency to pile up. With cloud solution categories now emerging on a weekly basis, the result of bringing them into your estate is usually more complexity and confusion. But sometimes, a single new technology allows us to rid a bunch of old ones in a snap. SASE pretends to be […]

    Miguel Fersen, Director for Iberia and LATAM, GlobalDots
    9th May, 2022
  • Old Dogs, New Tricks: Innovating with CDNs

    Today’s digital businesses with global customers cannot afford slow page loads and applications caused by physical distance and latency issues. Page load speeds can have a significant effect on customer acquisition and retention. Walmart discovered that a 1% increase in page load time results in a 2% increase in conversion rates. So businesses are using […]

    Shalom Carmel, Chief Information Officer at GlobalDots
    20th April, 2022
  • Remote work & WFH Policies: FAQs Answered

    We were recently approached by the press to provide some policy guidelines for companies adopting the hybrid or 100%-remote model. Truth be told, GlobalDots’ legacy of remote work dates back to the surge of Skype. Yes, we’ve been working remotely for quite a while, so for us, the Pandemic didn’t change much. It is this […]

    Shalom Carmel, Chief Information Officer at GlobalDots
    20th April, 2022
  • New Era, New Security Stack: Cloud Security Reimagined

    Once every few years, new technologies mature and reach a tipping point which requires a completely new outlook on the enterprise landscape, as it keeps evolving too. 2020 was such a tipping point, introducing cloud usage and remote work in unprecedented scales worldwide. In the context of cloud security, this tipping point created a burning […]

    Shalom Carmel, Chief Information Officer at GlobalDots
    19th April, 2022
  • Automatically trigger CDN purge on S3 change

    A CDN requires an origin server, which can be a S3 bucket. s3-trigger-purge-cdn are python scripts that run as Lambda functions, and are triggered by file uploads to the bucket. Once triggered, the Lambda function will attempt to purge the old file from the CDN cache. Currently supported CDN vendors: Standalone Legacy mode While I […]

    Shalom Carmel, Chief Information Officer at GlobalDots
    19th April, 2022
  • How-To: Collect SNMP with Sumologic

    Introduction SNMP is an application layer protocol which manages and monitors the connected IP devices. SNMP works on a Client-Server based architecture, where the clients are known as the SNMP Agents and the Server are called as the Managers. The clients are devices that are connected to the Internet, it could be switches, routers, printers, […]

    Shalom Carmel, Chief Information Officer at GlobalDots
    19th April, 2022

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