Dear Partners,

We are all pained by the ruthless attack on Israel and standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the war imposed on us.

In these difficult times, we want to assist our partners at no cost in whatever way we can. 

We understand that war brings economic and security challenges and a significant drain on human resources.

To address this, we’ve reached out to our technology suppliers around the world, and through their extraordinary commitment, we’ve created free support packages for Israeli companies in the following areas:

  • Cyber Threats:

    We offer advanced WAF, DDoS, API, and CDN defense tools to  safeguard your digital presence

  • Cloud Cost Reduction:

    We provide diagnostics for your cloud environment (AWS/Azure/GCP) to pinpoint areas where you can  achieve the most significant cost savings in the shortest time, utilizing innovative automation tools

  • Senior DevOps Teams:

    Our team of skilled and experienced DevOps professionals is available, even for leading teams, to provide solutions for any unaddressed process

All these offers are free of charge and come without any obligation, based on the allowances we’ve received from our suppliers. 

We are committed to helping you navigate through this period and emerge stronger on the other side.

Apply for a free support package by filling out the form below

With love,

The GlobalDots Team

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